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2024届全国100所名校最新高考模拟示范卷 22·(新高考)ZX·MNJ·英语·GDONG 英语(四)4试题

2024届全国100所名校最新高考模拟示范卷 22·(新高考)ZX·MNJ·英语·GDONG 英语(四)4试题

22. How is Tai Chi oC different from the other three?

A. It needs to charge.

B. Its duration is fairly short

C. Its training videos are hard to update.

D. It lacks in-depth information about tai chi

23. What do the four tai chi classes have in common

A. They offer on-demand, subscription-based programs

B. They explain the moves that are safe to perform for healing

C. They show the moves that are easy to adapt.

D. They are available for learning online.

B Dogs tend to pay no attention to suggestions from peop ole who are lying, indicating that they might recognize when a person is intentionally misleading





